Migration from the margins: mobility, vulnerability and inevitability in mid-western Nepal and north-western Pakistan

Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Richard Mallett, Anita Ghimire, Qasim Ali Shah, Bishnu Upreti and Haider Abbas

Type: Nepal, Pakistan, Research Reports

Date: 01/10/2014

Full summary

This report follows up on two SLRC baseline surveys that showed international migration is a major livelihood strategy for households in Nepal and Pakistan. The report sets out to describe and explain the multidimensional process of international labour migration from two post-conflict contexts – Rolpa, Nepal and Swat and Lower Dir district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan – with a view to better understanding:


  • why and how it happens
  • what it means for migrants and their families vis-à-vis recovery following a crisis
  • and what it tells us about how formal actors and organisations (the state, NGOs, the private sector) may or may not shape the livelihood trajectories of people emerging from conflict.