Livelihoods, conflict and recovery Findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium

Dan Maxwell, Dyan Mazurana, Michael Wagner and Rachel Slater

Type: Afghanistan, DRC, Nepal, Pakistan, Research Reports, Sri Lanka, Uganda

Organisation: ODI

Country: Global

Date: 15/06/2017

Full summary

Livelihoods are fundamentally about what people do to meet their needs over time, including how they cope with and recover from shocks. Understanding how people do this in a range of fragile and conflict-affected situations is a central part of the work of the SLRC.


This report synthesises findings on livelihoods from the SLRC across a range of its quantitative and qualitative research projects.


This report is one of a series produced at the end of SLRC’s first phase. These reports bring together and analyse all relevant material on SLRC’s overarching research questions, with a view to drawing out broader lessons that will be of use to policy makers, practitioners and researchers.