How migration is international development’s biggest good news story…almost

In the run up to International Migrants Day, SLRC has teamed up with Al Jazeera to bring together academics and journalists to tell a story about what migrants face when they embark on this risky journey.

We hear a lot about migration. The last few weeks have been filled with news of the latest UK immigration statistics, Cameron’s proposal to limit immigrants’ access to tax credits, and a controversial government decision to end support to European search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean. But there is something missing from the public discourse: the lives of migrants.

We don’t hear enough about the lives of these people – their stories should serve to remind us that immigrants are not statistics but people. Often, they are people who have been through more than many of us could ever imagine.

From Monday to Thursday, Al Jazeera will publish a new article each day telling the migrants story, from before the board the plane, to what happens when they arrive. On Thursday, Jessica Hagen-Zanker and Rich Mallett will look at what needs to be done to ensure that migration has the incredible economic impacts we know it is capable of producing.

Read the series:

Pete Pattisson: For aspiring Nepali migrants, the risks start at home [^]

Ian Birrell: Inside the migrant jails of Fortress Europe [^]

Elizabeth Frantz: When work doesn’t pay [^]

Jessica Hagen Zanker and Richard Mallett: Migration: Global development’s biggest good news story…almost [^]

Read the report: Migration from the margins: mobility, vulnerability and inevitability in mid-western Nepal and north-western Pakistan [^]

Read the briefing paper: Gambling on a better future: is international labour migration worth it? [^]

Sign up to our event: Risking everything: vulnerabilities and opportunities in migration [^]

Explore the infographic:

We hear a lot about migration. The last few weeks have been filled with news of the latest UK immigration statistics, Cameron’s proposal to limit immigrants’ access to tax credits, and a controversial government decision to end support to European search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean. But there is something missing from the public discourse: the lives of migrants.

We don’t hear enough about the lives of these people – their stories should serve to remind us that immigrants are not statistics but people. Often, they are people who have been through more than many of us could ever imagine.

From Monday to Thursday, Al Jazeera will publish a new article each day telling the migrants story, from before the board the plane, to what happens when they arrive. On Thursday, Jessica Hagen-Zanker and Rich Mallett will look at what needs to be done to ensure that migration has the incredible economic impacts we know it is capable of producing.

Read the series:

Pete Pattisson: For aspiring Nepali migrants, the risks start at home [^]

Ian Birrell: Inside the migrant jails of Fortress Europe [^]

Elizabeth Frantz: When work doesn’t pay [^]

Jessica Hagen Zanker and Richard Mallett: Migration: Global development’s biggest good news story…almost [^]

Read the report: Migration from the margins: mobility, vulnerability and inevitability in mid-western Nepal and north-western Pakistan [^]

Read the briefing paper: Gambling on a better future: is international labour migration worth it? [^]

Sign up to our event: Risking everything: vulnerabilities and opportunities in migration [^]