Disasters Special Issue: Gender, sexuality, and violence in humanitarian crises

Dorothea Hilhorst, Holly Porter, Rachel Gordon

Type: Journal

Organisation: ODI

Country: Global

Date: 09/01/2018

Full summary

This Disasters journal special issue is a joint initiative of the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) and the Justice and Security Research Programme (which ended in 2016). The issue was funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa of the London School of Economics, ESRC Centre for Public Authority in International Development (CPAID), and the Social Science Research Council.


The issue, entitled ‘Gender, sexuality and violence in humanitarian crises’, includes contributions of articles from members of the Consortium, including Thea Hilhorst (ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam), Rachel Gordon, Holly Ritchie (ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam), Teddy Atim (Tufts University) and Dyan Mazurana (Tufts University). The special issue will be fully open access from January 2018 – January 2019.




There is a large and rich scholarship on gender, sexuality, and violence in relation to conflict, disasters, and forced displacement. The extent to which the findings of this literature make their way into humanitarian policy and programming, though, is uneven. All of the papers in this special issue of Disasters concentrate on gender in settings that constitute humanitarian crises. They all examine areas that are, or have been until recently, dense with humanitarian action: the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Lebanon, northern Uganda, Somalia, South Sudan, and the refugee route from Syria to Greece. The seven papers address the gendered impacts of humanitarian interventions from different dimensions. In some of the papers, these interventions are the direct topic of investigation; in others, they loom in the background while their effects are felt in the ways in which women and men negotiate their roles and find spaces to manage their lives in challenging settings. Together, the collection provides food for thought for the humanitarian community and highlights themes and issues that are crucial to humanitarian interventions.


Articles in this issue:




Access the full Special Issue here.