Disability and recovery from war in northern Uganda

Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak, Rachel Gordon, Jimmy Hilton Opio, Teddy Atim and Bret McEvoy.

Type: Journal article, Uganda

Organisation: Taylor and Francis Online

Date: 01/12/2016

Full summary

This article explores the prevalence of disabilities resulting from war crimes committed by parties to the conflict between the Government of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army. We compare these individuals and their households with persons in the same geographic area in households with no disabled members. We focus our comparison on livelihoods, education, health care access, food insecurity and wealth, and frame our discussion within the political economy of northern Uganda and its marginalisation vis-à-vis the rest of Uganda. We also examine Uganda’s promising legal framework of rights for persons with disabilities and the realities of their ongoing challenges.


 Pubished in Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3. 353-369. Available through pay-to-view access on Taylor and Francis Online.