Gender, sexuality and violence in humanitarian crises

Roundtable discussion |13th February, 3:30 – 5:00pm GMT | Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 203 Blackfriars Road, Southwark, SE1 8NJ


Gender, sexuality and violence have gained significant attention in humanitarianism. However, ‘gender’ often translates as a singular concern for women, which neglects questions of agency and the dynamic and changing realities of gendered power relations.

The Disasters Journal Special Issue on ‘Gender, sexuality and violence in humanitarian crises’  brings together contributions that critically address different aspects of how humanitarian interventions have had gendered impacts. In doing so, the issue provides food for thought for how the humanitarian community thinks about and engages with issues of gender and sexuality in areas of crisis.

With presentations from authors of the special issue, this roundtable puts a spotlight on the framing of gender in humanitarianism and situations of violence. The event aims to stimulate a critical discussion on how we view and practice ‘gender’ in humanitarian crises, bringing together practitioners, donors and academics from the gender and humanitarian communities. In particular, the roundtable will explore three key themes from the special issue: 1) sexual violence responses; 2) masculinities and the risk to exclude men from programming; and 3) institutions and governance.



  • Dorothea Hilhorst – Professor, Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (co-editor of the special issue)
  • Holly Porter, Research Fellow, Department for International Development, LSE (co-editor of the special issue)
  • Rachel Gordon – Independent development consultant (co-editor of the special issue)





  • Paul Kirby – Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Centre for Women Peace and Security, LSE
  • Virginie le Masson – Research Fellow, Risk and Resilience, ODI
  • Final discussant TBC


To register for this event, please email g.richards[at] Places to this event are limited.