PANEL 7: Livelihoods and social protection

Session Chair: Priyanthi Fernando – Executive Director, CEPA

Survey of Livelihoods, Social Security and impact of serious crimes in Northern Uganda – Teddy Atim – Head of Research Northern Uganda at the Feinstein International Centre, Tufts University

How to Make Pickles During Cease-Fire: Discussions about Development in Nagaland (India) – Dolly Kikon – Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University

Social protection delivery, access and use: (mis) matching expectations with perceptions: The case of post war Sri Lanka – Nayana Godamunne – Senior Research Professional, CEPA

Livelihoods, access to services and perceptions of governance in Uror, Nyirol and Pibor counties, South Sudan – Rachel Gordon – Researcher, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University