Bringing internally displaced persons back into sight in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Gloria Nguya

Type: Briefing Paper, DRC

Organisation: 13/04/2017

Country: DRC

Date: 21/09/2017

Full summary

In both North and South Kivu, the majority of IDPs are currently living outside of camps, due to the lack of provisions in the provinces. In order to understand the urgent basic needs that are not being met for IDPs living in large cities, there is a need to gain deeper knowledge and understanding of the needs and experiences of IDPs.


This briefing is part of a broader SLRC programme, in partnership with Wageningen University, which works to explore how livelihoods are created and maintained during and after conflict, as well as what strategies are adopted by IDPs to secure these livelihoods in eastern DRC.


Key findings include:

  • Community ties that help integrate IDPs in the area of destination are key, though many remain vulnerable and lack of ties can lead to exclusion and unmet basic needs.
  • Access to land, education and markets are important for IDPs, particularly those most at risk, such as young women and girls.
  • International and national actors should monitor better the needs of IDPs who are unable to access support networks.