Gender-responsive budgeting in fragile and conflict-affected states – a review

Rebecca Holmes and Rachel Slater with Anna Acker and Anna Berezovskaja

Type: Working Paper

Organisation: ODI

Date: 03/07/2014

Full summary

Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) is becoming an increasingly popular tool to support progress towards gender equality across the world. It is particularly important given that national budgets tend to fail to take into account the fact that men and women have different resources, roles and responsibilities, which perpetuates gender discrimination and inequality.


This paper reviews the experience of GRB in fragile and conflict-affected situations to date by drawing out the key findings in relation to: 1) what GRB tells us about planning, budgeting and financing for gender equality; and 2) how GRB has been applied across a variety of fragile and conflict-affected situations.