Surveying livelihoods service delivery and governance: baseline evidence from Sri Lanka

Geetha Mayadunne, Richard Mallett and Jessica Hagen-Zanker

Type: Sri Lanka, Working Paper

Organisation: CEPA

Country: Sri Lanka

Date: 29/07/2014

Full summary

In 2012, SLRC implemented the first round of an original sub-regional panel survey in Sri Lanka aimed to produce data on people’s livelihoods, access to and experience of basic services, and people’s perceptions of governance.

Data was collected from 1,377 households in three districts – Jaffna, Mannar and Trincomalee – between September and October 2012, and are representative at both the grama niladari division (GND) level and village level.

A second round of the survey, where we will return to the same households, will be conducted in 2015/16.