Surveying livelihoods, service delivery and governance: baseline evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Uganda

Richard Mallett, Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Rachel Slater and Georgina Sturge

Type: DRC, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Working Paper

Organisation: ODI

Country: DRC, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

Date: 14/04/2015

Full summary

This paper shows findings from a cross-country panel survey which took place in five conflict-affected countries: DRC, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Uganda. The aim of the survey was to explore people’s experiences, perceptions and expectations of the state and local governance actors with regards to basic service delivery, social protection and livelihoods in fragile and conflict-affected situations. The first round of the survey was conducted in 2012-13. We will be returning to the same households to conduct the second round of our panel survey later this year and in 2015.


The survey data:Global Survey Annex.xls [^]


Annex 1.pdf [^]

Annex 2.xls