Three things SLRC teaches us about supporting a shift from fragility to resilience

Jonathan Papoulidis

Type: Briefing Paper

Date: 12/03/2021

Full summary

For international engagement in settings affected by conflict and fragility, three themes emerge prominently from ten years of SLRC research. We need to improve our understanding of:


  • the complex risks for people who live in situations affected by violent conflict
  • the strength and type of coping strategies
  • how state legitimacy is constructed.


All three have direct implications for donors and implementing partners who are attempting in one way or another to address fragility. They require a commitment to:


  • conduct more complex risk assessments
  • recognise and support existing coping capacities
  • use the process of supporting state legitimacy also to strengthen resilience.


Together, these insights and their implications form part of an urgently needed paradigm shift that takes international engagement from an emphasis on good governance towards a paradigm best described as ‘fragility-to-resilience’ (Ingram and Papoulidis 2018; OECD 2020).