
SLRC’s DRC research programme during Phase I focused on the following core themes: Drivers of legitimacy: Experiences of service delivery and perceptions of a non-Weberian state Engaging with multi-stakeholder processes:...

Secure Livelihoods Rese... "/>0 Comments MDGs and ‘Fragile States’ Paul Harvey 16 November, 2012 "Are 'fragile states' failing to meet the MDGs? The answer might not be as black and...

issue: that, perhaps because of the absence of high quality impact data, largely unjustified assumptions shape policy and programming choices in conflict-affected situations.”   Read more: power -and-data-case-more-restrained-handling-job-creation-program [^]...

fairness and addressing grievances associated with jobs and markets requires a response beyond the usual toolbox of skills training, access to credit and infrastructure investments. State-building is fundamentally about how...

fairness and addressing grievances associated with jobs and markets requires a response beyond the usual toolbox of skills training, access to credit and infrastructure investments. State-building is fundamentally about how...