The mental landscape of post-conflict life in northern Uganda: Part 4 – Rethinking inclusion and fairness

Suleiman Amanela, Tracy Flora Ayee, Stephanie Buell, Alice Escande, Tony Quinlan, Anouk S. Rigterink, Mareike Schomerus, Samuel Sharp and Sarah Swanson

Type: Uganda, Working Paper

Date: 24/07/2020

Full summary

The violent conflict in northern Uganda between the government and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) ended well over a decade ago. Life today in northern Uganda has a huge number of challenges but is without question better than when attacks were common and most of the population lived in internal displacement camps. Yet, for many, the idea of a post-conflict ‘recovery’ is illusory. Northern Ugandans continue to live with a sense of loss, injustice, neglect and a widespread sentiment that post- conflict life has not lived up to its promise.


The mental landscape of post-conflict life in northern Uganda is a series made up of seven reports, of which this is Part 4. The report series uses behavioural insights to think differently about what we call the mental landscape of post-conflict life. The series seeks to fill a research and policy gap in understanding the mechanisms that connect perceptions, decisions and behaviour as they relate to situations of violent conflict.


Part 4 – Rethinking inclusion and fairness – argues that finding ways to operationalise inclusion and fairness in a post-conflict setting is made more difficult by the experience of conflict, yet is often presumed to be easier because of the perceived improvement of a situation (from conflict to post-conflict). All reports in this series use findings from this multi-method research design.